How Smaller Engagement Can Drives Higher Revenue in the Creator Economy: Insights for Fanbase.

  • By Noah Washington
  • May 23 2024 · 3 min read

In the rapidly evolving world of content creation, the focus is shifting from sheer follower numbers to meaningful engagement. DeMuro, a prominent voice in the creator community, emphasizes the value of leveraging dedicated audiences over amassing large, impersonal followings. He advises creators to think creatively about how to engage their audience in ways that convert attention into revenue: “It’s easier to turn attention into dollars than dollars into attention” (DeMuro).

Jonathan Little’s success exemplifies this strategy. With 183,000 YouTube subscribers, Little effectively monetizes his poker content through sales of books and online coaching, proving that a smaller, engaged audience can be highly profitable (The Keller Advisory Group). This model highlights the potential for creators to build sustainable careers with dedicated followers rather than relying solely on large numbers.

A study by the Keller Advisory Group supports this notion, revealing that there are 27 million paid creators in the U.S., with an average annual salary of $179,000 for those working full-time. Smaller creators also earn significant incomes: mid-tier influencers (50,000-250,000 followers) average $129,000 per year, micro-influencers (10,000-50,000 followers) garner $45,000, and nano influencers (fewer than 10,000 followers) make $17,000 (The Keller Advisory Group). These figures suggest that creators with smaller, more engaged audiences can achieve substantial earnings.

The current infrastructure of the creator economy further supports this growth. At the Web Summit in Lisbon, keynotes and panels highlighted new avenues for revenue, including investment and financing options that cater to smaller creators. Initiatives like Slow Ventures’ Creator Fund and Everbloom’s accelerator program provide financial support and mentorship without claiming long-term revenue shares, enabling creators to expand their businesses (Louderback).

Additionally, platforms such as Linktree, Kajabi, and Fourthwall offer tools that streamline monetization efforts, making it easier for creators to connect with their audiences and generate revenue. Even Patreon has evolved to help creators monetize through memberships and exclusive content (Sokolov).

Despite YouTube’s dominance in monetizing core content, creators are increasingly using platforms like Instagram and TikTok to drive traffic back to their YouTube channels. This cross-platform promotion enhances audience engagement and revenue potential, demonstrating the effectiveness of smaller, targeted engagement over larger, less personal followings (Odetoyinbo).

In conclusion, the creator economy is set to grow significantly, with Goldman Sachs projecting it to double to $480 billion by 2027 (Goldman Sachs). For Fanbase, this presents an opportunity to support creators by focusing on the quality of engagement rather than the quantity of followers. By leveraging diverse revenue streams, enhancing engagement, and utilizing integrated monetization platforms, Fanbase can create a sustainable ecosystem that benefits both creators and their dedicated audiences.


What is Fanbase,

“For People Who Value Content And Community, Fanbase Is The Next-Generation Social Creator Hub That Allows Any User To Earn Money From Day One. Unlike Other Social Apps, Fanbase Is The One Place You Can Truly Be You. Without Limits.

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